Irvine Charities - Clubs - Organizations

Welcome to our guide to the amazing organizations and charities in Irvine, California. Here, we take pride in our community and want to share some fantastic opportunities for you to get involved. Whether you are a resident or just visiting, you will find Irvine offers a wealth of ways to connect, volunteer, and make a difference. Let me tell you about some of the incredible groups helping make the city a wonderful place to live.

Nonprofits Making Major Impact

Irvine Community Foundation

In Irvine, there is the Irvine Community Foundation, which is dedicated to improving the city’s quality of life. This foundation supports local nonprofits by providing grants and resources. It helps fund various programs, from education to health services. For example, they support after-school programs for kids and health clinics for families. We are proud of their work and how they help meet the needs of our community. The foundation also hosts fundraising events throughout the year, making it easy for us to contribute.   Phone: (949) 349-4920  Website: Irvine Community Foundation

Irvine Public Schools Foundation

Another fantastic organization is the Irvine Public Schools Foundation. They work tirelessly to support the educational needs of our students. They fund programs improve the children’s learning experiences, like arts, music, and STEM initiatives. This foundation plays a serious role in making sure the students have access to high-quality education. They also organize events such as the annual fundraising gala, which is a great way to get involved and show your support.  Phone: (949) 263-8340  Website: Irvine Public Schools Foundation

Orange County Volunteer Center

We also have the Orange County Volunteer Center, which connects residents with volunteer opportunities across Irvine and beyond. Whether you are passionate about helping children, supporting the elderly, or protecting the environment, there are numerous ways to give back. The center offers many programs where you can make a real difference. Volunteering here is a rewarding way to contribute to the community and meet like-minded people.  Phone: (714) 953-5757  Website: Orange County Volunteer Center

Irivne & Surrounding Area Organizations (501c3)

1st Las Vegas Guide, We List Only the Best,

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Contract if you know of a high quality charitable organization who should be listed on this website. Please, only organizations who do NOT retain large percentages for overhead, salaries, advertising, etc., are allowed to be on this website.
1st Las Vegas Guide, We List Only the Best,

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Contract if you know of a high quality charitable organization who should be listed on this website. Please, only organizations who do NOT retain large percentages for overhead, salaries, advertising, etc., are allowed to be on this website.
1st Las Vegas Guide, We List Only the Best,

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Contract if you know of a high quality charitable organization who should be listed on this website. Please, only organizations who do NOT retain large percentages for overhead, salaries, advertising, etc., are allowed to be on this website.

Social and Cultural Organizations

Facts About Donating / Community Service

Irvine Multicultural Association

The Irvine Multicultural Association celebrates the variety of cultural heritage of the city. They host events, workshops, and festivals promoting understanding and appreciation of different cultures. Joining this organization is a great way to connect with people from various backgrounds. They organize the annual Global Village Festival, which showcases food, music, and traditions from around the world. It is one of the favorite events held in Irvine and a must-visit for anyone in Irvine.   Phone: (949) 724-6606  Website: Irvine Multicultural Association

Irvine Historical Society

The Irvine Historical Society is dedicated to preserving and sharing the history of the city. They offer tours, lectures, and educational programs highlighting Irvine’s unique heritage. The society maintains several historic sites and buildings, providing a glimpse into the city’s past. Visiting their events and exhibits is a wonderful way to learn more about how Irvine came to be the city it is today. They also have volunteer opportunities for history enthusiasts.  Phone: (949) 786-4112  Website: Irvine Historical Society

Irvine Rotary Club

The Irvine Rotary Club is part of a global network of volunteers committed to making a difference both locally and internationally. They focus on service projects addressing critical issues such as health, education, and poverty. The Rotary Clubs also hosts regular meetings and events where you can connect with other community members. By joining a Rotary Club, you can contribute to impactful projects and help improve the lives of those in need. The owner of this website is a proud Rotary member (Rotarian). I personally invite you to think about joining our Las Vegas WON Rotary Club. True it is not in Irvine, however, it is a very well known worldwide record setting club which has extremely low cost to be a member, under a $1 a day, and has an amazing networking opportunities to people from around the world. Phone: 702-210-4201

Community sharing and donating have a profound impact on both individuals and communities as a whole.  These statistics and studies underscore the far-reaching benefits of community sharing and donating, not only for individual well-being but also for fostering a healthier, more connected society.  Research has established several key benefits:

1. Enhanced Happiness: A Harvard Business School study found giving money to others increases happiness more than spending it on oneself. This uplift in mood is also supported by findings from the University of California, Riverside, where performing acts of kindness boosted happiness

2. Biological Benefits: Donating activates brain regions associated with pleasure, social connection, and trust, producing a “warm glow” effect and releasing endorphins, known as the “helper’s high”.

3. Health Improvements: Generosity is linked to better health. People with chronic illnesses like HIV and multiple sclerosis benefit from giving to others. Elderly volunteers for various organizations showed a 44% lower mortality rate over five years compared to non-volunteers.

4. Reduced Stress: Providing social support can lower blood pressure, suggesting a direct physiological benefit from giving.

5. Promotion of Cooperation and Social Connection:  Giving is known to foster trust and cooperation, enhancing social connections vital for mental and physical health.

6. Evoking Gratitude: Giving and receiving gifts cultivate gratitude, which is crucial for happiness, health, and social bonds. Gratitude also strengthens connections with others.

7. Contagious Generosity: Giving can initiate a ripple effect of generosity in the community. One person’s altruistic behavior can inspire others to act generously, influencing many people indirectly.

Irvine Environmental and Health Organizations

Irvine Ranch Conservancy

One of the secrets of Irvine is the Irvine Ranch Conservancy, which works to protect and restore our natural land. They manage thousands of acres of open space, offering opportunities for hiking, wildlife observation, and environmental education. Volunteering with the conservancy is a great way to help preserve Irvine’s natural beauty. They organize clean-up events and educational programs are perfect for all ages.   Phone: (714) 508-4757  Website: Irvine Ranch Conservancy

Irvine Green Initiative

The Irvine Green Initiative promotes sustainable practices and environmental awareness within the community. They host events such as tree plantings, clean-up drives, and educational workshops. This organization is dedicated to making Irvine greener and more sustainable. They provide tips and resources for residents to reduce their carbon footprint and support eco-friendly practices. Getting involved with the Green Initiative is a great way to contribute to a healthier environment.  Phone: (949) 724-6650  Website: Irvine Green Initiative

American Red Cross Orange County Chapter

The American Red Cross Orange County Chapter provides needed services such as disaster relief, blood donation drives, and health education. Volunteering with the Red Cross is a meaningful way to help those in crisis. Your efforts will contribute to the overall health and safety of the Irvine community. They also offer CPR and first aid training, which can be invaluable in emergencies.  Phone: (714) 481-5300  Website: American Red Cross Orange County Chapter  

Irvine Youth and Education Organizations

Irvine Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts

The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts organizations in Irvine provide valuable opportunities for young people to develop leadership skills, build character, and serve their community. These programs offer a wide range of activities and projects helping youth grow into responsible and engaged citizens. They participate in community service projects, outdoor adventures, and leadership training. These organizations are great for kids to make friends and learn new skills.  Phone: (949) 559-9616   Website: Irvine YMCA

Irvine YMCA

The Irvine YMCA offers programs promoting youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. From after-school programs to summer camps, the YMCA provides a supportive environment for children and families. They also have fitness classes and recreational activities for all ages. Volunteering with the YMCA is an outstanding way to contribute to the well-being of Irvine’s youth and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Irvine Education Foundation

The Irvine Education Foundation raises funds to support educational programs and initiatives within the Irvine Unified School District. They focus on improving classroom experiences and providing resources helping students succeed. Supporting the foundation is an investment in the future of our children. They organize fundraising events like the annual gala and walk-a-thon, which are great ways to get involved and support our schools.  Phone: (949) 263-8340  Website: Irvine Education Foundation

The Impact of Irvine's Organizations and Charities

Irvine’s long list of organizations and charities is a proud display to the city’s strong sense of community and compassion.  The collective impact of these groups and their role in shaping a complete community is outstanding.

Unique and Unusual Irvine Organizations

Irvine Balloon Club

A unique organization in our city is the Irvine Balloon Club. They organize hot air balloon rides and events, offering a unique perspective of Irvine from the sky. It is an exciting way to see the city and its beautiful area. The club also hosts educational sessions about ballooning and safety. Joining this club is a fantastic way to experience something new and adventurous.  Phone: (714) 508-4785   Website: Irvine Balloon Club

Irvine Robotics Club

The Irvine Robotics Club is perfect for tech enthusiasts and students interested in robotics and engineering. They offer workshops and competitions challenging participants to design and build robots. The club provides a hands-on learning experience and encourages innovation and teamwork. It is a great way for kids and adults alike to explore the world of robotics and technology.  Phone: (949) 824-4314 

Irvine Community Garden Association

The Irvine Community Garden Association promotes urban gardening and sustainability. They manage several community gardens where residents can grow their own fruits and vegetables. The association provides gardening workshops and resources to help you get started. It is a wonderful way to enjoy fresh produce, meet neighbors, and contribute to a greener Irvine.   Phone: (949) 724-6835   Website: Irvine Community Garden Association

Environmental and Conservation Efforts

Bayou Preservation Association
Dedicated to protecting and restoring the natural richness of Houston’s bayous, the Bayou Preservation Association organizes clean-up drives and educational programs. These initiatives help sustain local wildlife and enhance the quality of water. Participating in a bayou clean-up can be a rewarding way to give back to the environment defining much of Houston’s environment.

Trees For Houston
Trees For Houston has planted over half a million trees since its inception, combatting urban heat and improving air quality. Volunteer to plant trees or join their annual ‘Tree Planting Marathon’ to contribute to greener, healthier city spaces.

Houston Parks Board
This organization works tirelessly to improve and expand parkland across Houston. By enhancing accessibility and ensuring the sustainability of public spaces, the Houston Parks Board provides everyone with beautiful, safe places to gather, play, and relax. Their ‘Adopt-A-Park’ program is a fantastic way for you and your neighbors to get directly involved in the upkeep of your local parks.

Houston Audubon
Houston Audubon promotes the conservation and appreciation of birds and wildlife habitats. Engaging the community through bird watching events, habitat restoration projects, and environmental education, they foster a connection with nature enriching the urban environment.

Want to Donate Time or Money or Both?

Regardless of your income, standings in the community, highest or the lowest paying occupation, it is only fair to help those in need.  Contrary to popular belief in some sections of this country, not all people are self providing of basic food, water and health care.  If you have a dollar or time to help an organization in the Houston area, you will make a difference in many people and their future. 

Become a Rotarian and Help Those in Need

It is important enough to repeat this information…The Owner and Licensee of this website, are both proud members of the oldest service organization in the United States, Rotary. Rotary has more than 1.4 million members in more than 200 countries. Contact us to find out more about how you can become a Rotary Member, the benefits for you and those you help are amazing. Richard Reed 702-210-4201 and Jess Hsiao  702-742-8484

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